Fedora 20 + Xenomai 2.6 on VirtualBox Paulo Pedreiras Oct/2014 [Preliminaries] Image of Fedora 20 comes with kernel 3.11.7 IPIPE has a patch for kernel 3.14.17 So, the first step is just to compile linux with kernel 3.14.17 and make it boot. The second step is applying Xenomai to the kernel. Get Linux kernel 3.4.17 from https://www.kernel.org/ and Get 2.6 xenomai code form http://download.gna.org/xenomai/stable/latest/ [Step 1:] #Get kernel sources from https://www.kernel.org #Uncompress linux source to /user/src and cretae a simlink tar -xvzf linux-3.14.17.tar.gz mv linux-3.14.17 /usr/src cd /usr/src ln -s linux-3.14.17 linux # Configure the kernel cd linux cp /boot/config-3.11.7-300.fc20.x86_64 .config make oldconfig (review the configuration changes. Usaulaly accept thye default) #Compile the kernel (this takes a while ....) make -j5 && make -j5 modules && make -j5 modules_install #set up boot files cp arch/x86_64/boot/bzImage /boot/vmlinuz-3.14.17.x86_64 cp System.map /boot/System.map-3.14.17.x86_64 mkinitrd /boot/initramfs-3.14.17.x86_64.img 3.14.17 cd /boot/ ll chmod 755 vmlinuz-3.14.17.x86_64 #setup grub2 (grub2 detects kernels automatically if the follwing rules are used # Linux kernel(s), they must be named vmlinuz-version or kernel-version. # If you use an initramfs, it should be named initramfs-version.img or initrd-version.img # See http://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/GRUB2_Quick_Start grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg Reboot and select the new kernel [Step 2:] *** If step 1 failed don't try step 2 *** !!!!! tar -xvzf linux-3.14.17.tar.gz mv linux-3.14.17 /usr/src/linux-3.14.17-xenomai cd /usr/src/ rm linux ln -s linux-3.14.17-xenomai linux tar xvjf /home/adminuser/Downloads/xenomai-2.6.4.tar.bz2 ln -s xenomai-2.6.4 xenomai cp linux-3.14.17/.config linux-3.14.17-xenomai/ cd linux vi Makefile ** Make "EXTRAVERSION = -xenomai" or similar ** Note: this image does not include the patch rpm. Please install the rpms "patch" and "patchutils" cd /usr/src/xenomai sh ./scripts/prepare-kernel.sh --linux=/usr/src/linux-3.14.17-xenomai/ ## Install ncurses-devel cd /usr/src/linux make menuconfig ** Make the kernel configuration changes recommended in the documentation ** http://xenomai.org/2014/06/configuring-for-x86-based-dual-kernels/ #Compile the kernel (this takes a while ....) make -j5 && make -j5 modules && make -j5 modules_install mkinitrd /boot/initramfs-3.14.17.x86_64-xenomai.img 3.14.17-xenomai ll /boot/ cd /boot/ chmod 755 vmlinuz-3.14.17.x86_64-xenomai grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg # reboot with xenomai kernel su cd /usr/src/xenomai ./configure --enable-x86-tsc make install cd /usr/xenomai/bin ./xeno-test Add export PATH=$PATH:/usr/xenomai/bin/ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/xenomai/lib to the end of .bashrc file (both user and root)